Opening Hours

  • The Hollies Medical Centre

    Day Opening hours
    Wednesday 12 February
    8:30am to 6pm
    Thursday 13 February
    8:30am to 6pm
    Friday 14 February
    8:30am to 6pm
    Saturday 15 February
    Sunday 16 February
    Monday 17 February
    8:30am to 6pm
    Tuesday 18 February
    8:30am to 6pm

Urgent advice: Planned Closures For Staff Training

Throughout the year the practice will close on certain afternoons, 12.45pm to 6.00pm, for essential and compulsory staff training for the entire team. During these dates our practice will be closed and our telephone lines will be diverted to out of hours services, so help is still at hand.

The dates that have been confirmed so far are:

    • Wednesday 5th March 2025.
    • Thursday 15th May 2025.
    • Tuesday 24th June 2025.
    • Wednesday 17th September 2025.
    • Tuesday 18th November 2025.
    • Wed 28th January 2026.
    • Wednesday 11th March 2026. 

If you do need any additional help while we are closed our closest walk in centre is:

Sheffield City Gp Health Centre
Rockingham House
75 Broad Lane
South Yorkshire
S1 3PB
Tel: 0114 241 2700
Alternatively, you can dial "111" to contact the NHS 111 services or "999" in medical emergencies. 

Extended Hours

Enhanced Access Service Privacy Notice

A copy of the Enhanced Service Privacy Notice is available to download by clicking the link below.

Non-urgent advice: Hub Appointments – Extended Access

In addition to our normal working hours, appointments are available 6:00pm – 9:00pm on weekdays and 10:00 – 18:00 at weekends and Bank Holidays at our local primary care hubs. 

To make an appointment either contact the practice or call 111.  Latest details of opening times and services can be found on

This service is available to all patients in the Sheffield area.

Dr Michael Hogan

 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Dr Mike Lyons

 Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday

Dr Eleanor Cumberbatch

 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 

Dr Craig Fishwick

 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Dr Richard Harvey

 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Dr Nikola Bramwell

 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 

Dr Seleena Thukral

 Thursday, Friday

Please be aware that although these are the GPs normal working days they do not see patients on all of these days due to other duties such as carehome visits. 

Non-urgent advice: When Our Doctors Work

Our Partners, Dr Harvey, Lyons, Bramwell, Hogan, Cumberbatch and Fishwick act as the 'GP in Charge' on one day a week as follows:

  • Dr Hogan- Monday
  • Dr Lyons - Tuesday 
  • Dr Cumberbatch / Fishwick - alternating Wednesday
  • Dr Harvey - Thursday
  • Dr Bramwell - Friday 

This means that they act as the first point of call to deal with any emergencies; supervise our trainee doctors, deal with telephone calls, prescription requests, test results and any other queries which may arise and which cannot be dealt with by other members of the team.

When We Are Closed

Non-urgent advice: Out-of-Hours Service

Between 6:00pm and 08:30am during the week and Saturday, Sunday or bank holidays, emergency calls are dealt with by the 111 service. If you condition is not life threatening call 111 (freephone). Your call will be triaged and passed to the most appropriate person to deal with your problem.

If you are offered a home visit at night please ensure the doctor can find you.

If you dial the surgery number you will be given the option of having your call transferred to the out-of-hours service.

Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath are an emergency.  

Non-urgent advice: Choosing the Right Urgent Care

You may need advice or treatment at any point through the day or night but do NOT need to go to the Accident & Emergency department. Using other services instead of A&E can often help you get the advice and/or treatment you need quicker.

Please use the below website to help you decide on the appropriate route to take:

Non-urgent advice: NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.

Non-urgent advice: NHS Walk-in Centre

Telephone 0114 241 2700

This is available at One Medicare at Rockingham House, Broad Lane. It is presently open from 8:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week and you don’t need an appointment – just call in at a time convenient to you and you will be treated. Please call the above number to check exact opening times before you attend. They deal with healthcare advice and minor illnesses, as well as suture removal and routine post-operative dressings.

Non-urgent advice: Minor Injury Centre

Telephone 0114 271 1900

Situated at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital this service is available to anyone with a minor injury (cuts, falls etc.) which needs treatment.

Please telephone the above number to check exact opening times before you attend.